Terms and Conditions
Below lays out what you have agreed to by participating in our bee rental program. If you have any questions about our rental policy or agreements, please contact us at info@beecanadian.ca Thank you for supporting solitary bees!
Agreement to use a Bee Canadian rental kit
We clean and inspect every single cocoon that we raise and so we do our very best to provide the highest hatch rates but as bees are a part of nature, we cannot guarantee the hatching rate or nesting behavior of the bees.
The nesting house, nesting block, release box and supplied bees and the increase of bees remain the property of Bee Canadian. I will not keep, sell, give away any of the above mentioned items to any other individual without the consent of Bee Canadian.
The bees and nesting home are provided to me so that I may enjoy the benefits of increased crop production due to increased pollination and the enjoyment of watching their natural activities.
I agree to install and use at my home a Mason bee nesting house supplied by Bee Canadian.
I will install the nesting house under an overhang on the south-east side of a building, providing it is not exposed to harsh storm weather, or some other solid mounting surface so that the home will receive as much sun as possible.
I will take down any other Mason bee nesting I have used in the past. Place them in a cardboard box near the Bee Canadian nesting house. The cardboard box will have 5/16 to 1/2 inch holes in the sides near the bottom to allow the bees to emerge when they hatch and begin using the Bee Canadian nesting house.
I will monitor the nesting house’s activity to ensure that no predator [squirrels, raccoons, birds, mice, etc] disturbs the nest. If any problems develop I will email Gordon at info@beecanadian.ca for suggestions and remedies.
I will be gentle with how I handle the occupied nesting house, as I understand sharp jarring may dislodge the developing larvae from the pollen wad causing the developing bee to starve to death.
I realize that Mason bees can sting. I understand although this is a rare occurrence, I will hold Bee Canadian harmless from any actions or health reactions caused by this event.
For annual maintenance, when requested, I will return the Rental Kit. This will be in June.
If I fail to return the rental kit I understand that it will be assumed that I wish to purchase the Mason Bee kit and my Credit card will be charged the retail price of items not returned. We do not want to do this, but when the bees are not returned, their health is jeopardized and we lose bees.
Your yard must have clay type soil, if your soil is sandy the bees will not nest they will just fly away, also they do not like a property that is surrounded by evergreen trees.
For more information about Mason bees go to Beecanadian.ca
We will contact you by email at least two weeks before it is time to return your bees. You are responsible for checking the email that you provided to us for return dates and locations.
You are responsible for bringing them back to us at one of our schedule events.
We are not affiliated with these host businesses or drop off locations so bee kits cannot be left outside of the arranged event times and dates. We want to maintain positive relationships with these organizations and we appreciate your cooperation.